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Training with Shepherd Neame

A range of training is available for all licensees, designed to ensure that the opportunities and challenges of running pubs are clear and to equip you with the necessary skills, knowledge and ability to maximise the profitability of your business.


Created by the BII, PEAT gives you the knowledge required to evaluate the agreement that you are considering and is a mandatory requirement for any new tenant or lessee who takes on an agreement in England or Wales with a pub company or brewery who is a member of the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA). PEAT is an essential part of the recruitment and final interview process and it must be completed at least five days prior to your final stage tenancy interview with us here at the brewery, so the sooner you get it completed the better. You can find out more and sign up for PEAT here. Once you have completed PEAT your qualification does not expire and you will receive a PDF certificate that you will need to provide to the Brewery later in the recruitment process.


As previously outlined in the twelve step tenancy recruitment process, it is mandatory for all new tenants to take the following courses within their first six months of joining us, we have therefore teamed up with leading hospitality training company ‘Pub & Bar Academy’ and online training provider ‘CPL Learning’ to ensure that you are able to carry out these courses as quickly and as easily as possible. 

Mandatory Course Name Training Course Provider
  • APLH
Pub & Bar Academy (via Shepherd Neame Training Coordinator)
  • Financial Management
Pub & Bar Academy (via Shepherd Neame Training Coordinator)
  • Food Safety (Level 2)
CPL Learning Online Portal
  • Health & Safety (Level 2)
CPL Learning Online Portal
  • Cellar Training

Once you have completed your Tenancy Sign Up process with us, you will be given direct online access to CPL Learning and our Training Co-ordinator will book your space and send you the joining instructions for each of the Pub Bar & Academy Courses individually. A £1,000 training deposit is built into your pub’s ingoing costs to cover the above courses; however we will refund you £500 on completion of the mandatory courses within the required six month period.


Shepherd Neame recognise that one of the key elements to running a successful pub is the professionalism of the tenant and their team. We encourage all tenants to join the British Institute of Inn keeping (BII), a professional body for the licensed retail sector, and to take complete advantage of the support and information available at their Members Area and Knowledge bank. We recommend it so much, that in fact we fund your access to the BII during the first year of your tenancy with us.

The BII can offer you support and access to helplines for HR advice, Legal advice, Licensing support, Business rate support, Taxes, Staff contract builders and much, much more. You can see the BII website​​​ here.

BII Logo

CPL Learning

As part of your Compliance Package, from the first day of your tenancy with us you are automatically signed up with our business partners, CPL Learning. CPL Learning offer over twenty E-learning courses directly to our tenants and their employees. 

All courses include video, animation and gaming technology to make the learning experience interactive and fun, they cover a wide range of subjects to include Customer Service, Age Verification, COSHH, Allergen Awareness, Drugs Awareness, Health & Safety and Fire Safety. These courses will ensure that you and your team are compliant with the current legislation and that you have the most correct and up to date knowledge to apply to the work place.

CPL logo

Working together

We are committed to the principle of acting in an honest and transparent manner with our licensees, as enshrined in the voluntary Code of Practice which describes the minimum requirements governing the operation of tied public houses by companies with less than 500 tied premises. Companies with 500 or more tied premises are governed by statutory legislation, namely the Pubs Code and Adjudicator regulations 2016. Supervised by the Pub Governing Body, the Code sets standards for landlord companies regarding the interaction with tied tenants throughout the life of their relationship with the company. You will be provided with a copy of the Code of Practice when you sign up to take on a tenancy with us and you can review and download a copy of the code for both tenants and lessees by clicking on the following links:

Industry support

The Pubs Independent Conciliation and Arbitration Service (PICA-Service) offers an accessible, independent, low cost dispute resolution service to the licensed industry which allows tenants/lessees and Pub Companies/Breweries with 1-499 pubs to resolve disputes in a fair and timely manner.  PICA-Service applies to the England & Welsh Pub Sector Codes of Practice, and the Pub Sector – Scotland Code. For more information please click here:
The Pubs Independent Rent Review Scheme (PIRRS) offers an accessible, independent, low cost rent review resolution service for pub tenants and lessees in England, Wales and Scotland. For more information click here:

Pub Governing Body logo

Championing Pubs and Breweries

Shepherd Neame is a member of the BBPA, the UK's leading trade association representing pubs and breweries. Their members brew over 90% of British beer and own over 20,000 pubs. The BBPA publish an annual guide to running a pub which provides valuable data for publicans on the typical operating costs in the UK pub industry. Representing the best available data from BBPA members, their ‘Guide to costs for tied tenants and lessees’ is a vital reference tool for anyone thinking of investing in a pub. Click the button below to see the BBPA: Running a pub - a guide to costs for tied tenants and lessees.